
management accountants / 12 posts found

Why do I need a management accountant?

by mike tombs
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Firstly, it is important to understand what a management accountant is and how this differs from the more traditional financial accountant. A management accountant will provide on-going reports into the operation of your business, enabling you to make strategic decisions. A financial accountant provides you with end of year reporting, showing you what has happened over the previous year. A management accountant can generally produce the financial reporting as required by HMRC, but a financial accountant will not necessarily offer the services of a management accountant. While there are many great reasons to use a management accountant, we have picked [...]

How fast can you react?

by mike tombs
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Are your reactions lighting fast? Or are you struggling to keep up? Fast reactions are useful in a variety of situations; accidents, emergencies, but also in business. The ability to react to changes in the marketplace is one of the main areas where small businesses can beat big businesses. Being able to judge the trends and changes in a marketplace and ensure that you are in a good position quickly can be an indicator of success. But what has this got to do with accountants? Imagine you have a small company that sells blue widgets, and the big company that [...]