
Cashflow / 13 posts found

A stack of £1 coins balanced in a pyramid

8K – The Valuation See-Saw

by mike tombs
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Week four – the Valuation See-Saw ‘Cash is king’, or so they say. And they’d be right! Nobody wants to worry about the bills that are coming out, so ensuring that you have cash in your business account can really help reduce some of the stress. It can also cut down on interest if you find yourself regularly taking out loans. Getting a better grip on your cashflow can be a tricky process, and it often involves a lot of moving pieces. But consider the following if you’re running into trouble: Renegotiating your supplier terms to pay later, and your [...]

How to Face the Threat of Business Insolvency Positively

by M Tombs
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In most cases the failure of a business is treated as a personal failure. Your ego may stand in the way of taking the necessary actions to try and resolve your financial predicament, especially when creditors are knocking on your door every day. There is light at the end of the tunnel if you take action and you may still be able to rescue your business. This article will show you 5 steps you can take starting today to help recover your business. Cease Trading As long as you are trading then creditors will assume you are bringing money in [...]

Looking forward to Rio

by M Tombs
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The extraordinary performance of the Brownlee brothers in the Olympic triathlon got me thinking.  It wasn't their seemingly endless stamina or the fact that Alistair, after swimming 1500 meters and cycling 43 km, ran the 10km phase faster than the last man across the line in the 10k track final. It wasn't their total commitment to the sport either, their youth or their infectious good humour. It was the fact that they were already looking forward four years to the next Olympics in Rio and talking about their preparations. As businessmen, we can learn so many lessons from our great [...]