
How we can help you

TLA Business Services is an accountancy practice, so it goes without saying that we provide all the services you would expect from your accountant – preparing and reviewing your accounts, ensuring compliance and managing your tax returns and business tax affairs. And we do it for a fixed fee, with no hidden extras and with unlimited access to our team for advice.
Just choose the type of service bundle that you need – and that determines the price you’ll pay.

When you work with TLA we can do a great deal more than just your accounts. We can apply our experience, skills and resources to help your business grow. We’ll make sure it is structured in the most tax-efficient way; we’ll review your cash flow and profits, advise on remuneration strategies and take care of the contents of all those brown envelopes that seem to arrive with increasing regularity.

If we can’t help you directly, we are very happy to share our network of contacts, locally and nationwide; suppliers and experts that we trust because we’ve used them ourselves or we’ve checked them out thoroughly.

Whatever we do to help your business, it will come with a simple guarantee – if you’re not happy with what we do, you won’t have to pay.

Read on to find out how TLA can work with you to improve your bottom line.

Business Growth Club

This is aimed at business owners who are goal oriented and willing to spend the time and effort to identify, monitor and work on improving their results. We will be with you all the way from identifying both personal and business goal, through the creation of an appropriate business plan to identifying what activities need to be monitored and tweaked to help you get where you want to go. Typically this starts with a full day together and then gets followed up with monthly meetings. More information about this premium service can be found here

Monitor and Manage

It’s often said that what doesn’t get measured doesn’t get managed. With this service we will get together either quarterly or monthly as you wish, and review the results achieved against prior-year outcomes and planned results. It’s only by seeing which direction your business is moving in that you know whether or not you are moving in the right direction.

Compliance Plus

This is almost always included with either the Business Growth Club or the Monitor and Manage service, but is also available on a stand-alone basis. It focusses on ensuring that your business doesn’t fall foul of the huge raft of laws you have to comply with, including ever-changing tax rules, Companies House regulations and the accounting standards relevant to your size and type of business.

The Compliance Plus service ensures that you meet or exceed all the minimum requirements for your limited company, partnership, limited liability partnership or sole trader business. This includes:
  • Preparing your annual accounts and statutory financial statements
  • Preparing filleted financial statements for submission to Companies House
  • Dealing with all business tax matters, including preparing income and/or Corporation Tax computations and preparing and submitting your individual, partnership or Corporation Tax Self-Assessment tax returns
  • Handling payroll matters including real-time information filing and administering any auto-enrolment pension scheme you have in place
  • Dealing with correspondence from the Inland Revenue (HMRC)
  • If required, we can even handle your bookkeeping for you and will anyway set you up with a suitable cloud accounting package so that both you and us can access your records any time and from anywhere.

… and finally

It goes without saying that if what you need doesn’t fit into one of the three bundles above, we’ll work together to create a package that works for both you and us.