
Archives / 144 post/s found

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

by mike tombs
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A good team is made up of a diverse group of people, with a mixture of personalities, skills and expertise. When the time comes to take on a new person, it’s vital that you put some real thought into who you’re hiring and why. Before you take on a new team member: • Know what gaps need filling – spend some time working out what roles you need filling and how they fit in with your business plans (both now and in the future) • Be clear on what you need them to do – ensure that any new role [...]

Consider this before you employ

by mike tombs
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Sometimes it can be beneficial to your business to employ members of your family, young people or volunteers, but it is important to consider the consequences of these decisions. When you work with a management accountant we will provide you with ongoing business support to enable you to make good decisions for your business. If you hire family members you must: avoid special treatment in terms of pay, promotion and working conditions make sure tax and National Insurance contributions are still paid follow working time regulations for younger family members have employer’s liability insurance that covers any young family members check [...]

Should you invest?

by mike tombs
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For most of us in business the recent, and continuing, Brexit fiasco has meant that making meaningful investment decisions has proved to be problematic. What will our future trading relationship with Europe look like and how will that affect our own trading results? However, despite Brexit we still need to continue to operate and expand our businesses, which will require investment. It would be foolhardy to forget that in the UK we have an extremely generous tax allowance, aptly called the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA), that means we can write off the full cost of qualifying assets against our profits [...]

Capital Gains Tax liabilities

by mike tombs
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Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is defined by the Government as: "Capital Gains Tax is a tax on the profit when you sell (or ‘dispose of’) something (an ‘asset’) that’s increased in value. It’s the gain you make that’s taxed, not the amount of money you receive." So, you will pay CGT on an item such as a painting, but not on your house, provided that it is your primary residence. You are liable to pay CGT at certain times of the year. If you personally disposed of an asset that is subject to a CGT charge, at any time during [...]

Don’t despair of your debt

by mike tombs
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Being in debt can be scary, and you can feel helpless. But help is at hand. The most important thing is to talk to someone. This can be your accountant, or it can be a debt charity such as StepChange. A Debt Relief Order (DRO) can help people to improve their debt situation, though it is important to understand the consequences of such action. The first DRO was approved 10 years ago in April 2009 with the aim of assisting people with small levels of assets and little surplus income deal with their debts. Since then, the Insolvency Service has [...]

Green light for pension dashboards

by mike tombs
in news
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The government has given the green light to allow pension providers to create user-friendly services that display pension information for individuals on-line.   Savers will be in the driving seat with all the facts and figures about their pensions and potential retirement income at their fingertips in one place for the first time - on smartphones, tablets and computers.   Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd said:   With record numbers saving for retirement as a result of our revolutionary reforms, it’s more important than ever that people understand their pensions and prepare for financial security in later life.   [...]

Tax-free property and trading allowances

by mike tombs
in Tax
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Since April 2017, you can earn £1,000 from a trading activity and £1,000 of property related income, without being liable to income tax. These tax-free allowances on property and trading income are useful as families can generate an extra £2,000 a year of income without increasing their tax bills. Obviously, these small amounts will not be a replacement for your day-job, but they do contribute to financing your monthly bills.   What property income could this cover? You could rent out: your drive as a parking space if you live in an area where parking spaces are at a premium, [...]

Child benefit tax trap

by mike tombs
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This post is a reminder that a family claiming the weekly Child Benefit (currently, £20.70 a week for eldest or only child and £13.70 a week for additional children) may get an unwelcome tax bill if either parents’ income exceeds £50,000 during a tax year.   If either parent had income over £50,000 for the tax year 2018-19, and:   either partner received Child Benefit, or someone else received Child Benefit for a child living with you and they contribute at least an equal amount towards the child’s upkeep.   Then part or all of the Child Benefit received may [...]

How are dividends taxed?

by mike tombs
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Dividends received from shares held in UK companies form part of a tax-payers self-assessment. The payments are made by the paying company without any deduction of tax and therefore the amount received is the sum that needs to be declared. Dividends are paid out of the company’s retained profits – these are profits after any corporation tax has been paid – once these reserves are exhausted, it is illegal to declare or pay any further dividends. Tax payable on dividends received by shareholders is not payable at income rates (20%, 40% or 45%), but as hybrid rates. The rates for [...]

As easy as 1, 2, 3…

by mike tombs
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Well maybe not quite, but you should have your important figures at your fingertips and as ready to slip off your tongue as 1, 2, 3. The world of business can be a difficult place in these times, so arming yourself with data will give you a head start. We know that knowledge equals power, but it is the quality of the knowledge that is important. How much use is there in knowing last year’s profit margin? Not much, when you trying to make a decision based on events unfolding before your eyes. But knowing the current profit margin on [...]