
time / 2 posts found

Take control of your time

by mike tombs
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Apparently, we spend less than 60% of our time working productively. That’s nearly half our day we waste on activities such as checking social media, checking emails, having dead-end meetings. Imagine what you could do with half a day, every day. Go for a walk, cook a nice meal, spend time with your family, read a book. No doubt one of the reasons that you started your own business was to be able to be flexible with your time, take the odd afternoon off, start late on a morning, take a long holiday. It’s unlikely that you started your own [...]

Are you doing too much?

by mike tombs
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As small business owners, we all do it! We take on too much; we do too much. We’re always saying, “there’s never enough time in the day!” But are we being productive? Or are we running around, sweat pouring out of every vein, doing tasks others could do for us? Are we always thinking about saving money, rather than the bigger picture? Is your accountant always on at you to reduce costs? But at what cost? You probably didn’t go into business to work every waking hour. You may have gone into business for the flexibility, so that you could [...]