
preparation / 2 posts found

How do we prepare for Brexit when so much is undecided?

by mike tombs
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It is hardly surprising that Brexit is fast becoming as big a turnoff as tax. How on earth are we supposed to react or adapt to such far-reaching changes when the exact details of our exit are still undecided just a few weeks before the March 2019 deadline? Businesses that buy or sell goods to the EU must be pulling their corporate hair out – just how will their supply lines be affected? A new government website covering possible Brexit consequences The government has already published a bunch of documentation setting out the consequences of a no-deal outcome and they [...]

Brexit – the outlook for business

by mike tombs
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The political upheavals of the last week have done little to resolve the Brexit issue, the underlying political manoeuvrings or settle a growing list of issues for small businesses across the UK.   Leaving aside the political considerations we now seem to be at a point where there will be a no-deal, a compromise deal (the so-called Chequers’ plan) or a no-Brexit outcome; all are possible.   Those of us working hard to build a business in the UK will be hard put to take much more of this indecisiveness.   There is, however, something we can all do while [...]