You know your goals, you can see the weaknesses in your business. Now you can fix them. As a committed business owner, you know that planning is the key to creating more time and money. Remember the well-know acronym SMART. Think about the second letter: measurable.

You need to measure. There is no point having a goal without having a method to measure your achievement. You need to set up clear goals and we will help you. So, a goal of increasing sales, is not a goal it’s a wish. Wanting increase sales by 10% is a better goal. But this could happen organically. By giving your goal a timeframe, such as increasing sales by 10% in the next 6 months, you create a method to monitor your progress.

You know that simply setting out targets isn’t enough. Your aim is to reach them, or even better, to beat them. If you have financial reports based on what happened last month, and you have six months to reach your target, you can’t react to changes quickly enough. If you see what is happening to your business today, you can make small, precise changes that will alter the outcome.

When you join the Business Builder Club, you know that an open business culture is important. You understand that discussing your business with others can help you. Allowing accountants access to your real-time figures embraces the open business culture that you need to succeed. When you open up and let other people look at your business, they will see things for a different view and pick up on things that maybe you can’t. It can be difficult to share your business in the beginning. But challenges are good, and you will be rewarded.

You know that building a good business requires a good system. With the Business Builder Club we will help you to create a clear strategy. You will have actions that are targeted towards your KPIs, not simply a to-do list. Then you will use the external support from professionals to review and adjust your targets to ensure that your goals are met. You will get a measurable system to consistently improve your business.

Join the Business Builder Club to start creating your system today.