
Archives / 144 post/s found

Planning for early losses

by mike tombs
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If you are setting up a new business, you may discover that establishing a profitable base takes time. If your pre-trading planning discloses an initial loss making period, you may want to take advice about the business structure you adopt.   For example, if you set up the business as a company, the early year’s losses can only be carried forwards to set off against future profits.   Alternatively, if you set up the business as a sole trader (or certain partnerships) there is a possibility of setting the initial trading losses against your other earnings. In this way you [...]

Are you missing out on tax credits?

by mike tombs
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There has been much commentary in recent months reminding tax payers who claim tax credits to file their renewals application before the 31 July deadline. But apparently, many applications have been made incorrectly, and as a result, claimants are not collecting the full amount to which they are entitled.   According to a recent announcement by HMRC, many parents do not realise that they need to deduct any statutory parental pay from their salary when renewing tax credits.   In more detail, HMRC advise:   Thousands of parents could be at risk of missing out on hundreds of pounds from [...]

Don’t fall for spoof “taxman” emails

by mike tombs
in news
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New figures show that HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) requested a record 20,750 malicious sites to be taken down in the past 12 months, an increase of 29% on the previous year. Despite a record number of malicious sites being removed, HMRC is warning the public to stay alert as millions of taxpayers remain at risk of losing substantial amounts of money to online crooks. The warning comes as Scam Awareness month, run by Citizens Advice, draws to a close. HMRC has brought in cutting edge technology to tackle cyber-crime and target fraudsters. However, the public needs to be aware and report phishing [...]

What’s in a name

by mike tombs
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One of the first things a budding entrepreneur considers is what to call their business.   If you intend to incorporate your business as a limited company, the registration process will filter out unacceptable names and names that are too similar to a company already registered at Companies House. However, this registration process can create situations where an existing company thinks that the name you have registered is too close to their own and may challenge you to change your company name.   If you set up as a sole trader there is no official registry of business names, but [...]

What if there is a hard Brexit?

by mike tombs
in news
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Although we strive to be non-political in this blog, it would seem that there is an increasing likelihood that when we leave the EU March next year the present free movement of goods will no longer apply. And so, putting aside our reaction to this possibility, what should we be doing to prepare for this so-called “Hard Brexit”?   A fair proportion of the raw materials used in our manufacturing processes and the food we eat come from EU suppliers. It is unrealistic to expect UK businesses to increase stocks in anticipation of disrupted supply lines and increased prices after [...]

Penalties to be points based

by mike tombs
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Drivers face disqualification from driving if they accumulate 12 or more penalty points for driving offences. The resulting ban can last from 4 to possibly 11 years depending on the gravity of the offence.   HMRC seem to think that this point based system is a good idea and they now intend to include draft clauses to the forthcoming Finance Bill that will introduce a points system covering the late filing of tax returns.   In their notes attached to the draft clauses HMRC say:   The government wishes to encourage compliance with regular return submission obligations but does not [...]

Tax security deposits to be extended

by mike tombs
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We have listed below details of a forthcoming change to the taxation of companies that were disclosed in the draft clauses published last week for the forthcoming budget. The change outlined expands the rights of HMRC to demand a security deposit from “at risk” tax payers.   In their draft notes HMRC say:   HMRC can require some businesses to provide a security, in the form of cash or a performance bond, where this is considered necessary to protect the revenue. Securities may be required where a taxpayer has a poor compliance record and in “phoenix” type cases where a [...]

Unmarried couples to qualify for spousal tax breaks?

by mike tombs
in Tax
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In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation, or a decision to live together rather than marry, is a breach of human rights.   Presently, couples need to be in a formal civil partnership or married to be able to claim the raft of tax benefits available. These advantages include:   Transfers of chargeable assets between civil partners and married couples is free of capital gains tax and inheritance tax. In appropriate circumstances spare personal allowances can be transferred from one partner to the other.   In the case taken to [...]

Why don’t they join up the dots?

by mike tombs
in Tax
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According to HMRC, around three million couples across the UK have boosted their finances by claiming the Marriage Allowance, but more than a million married and civil partnered couples are still eligible for the free tax break worth up to £238 a year. Thanks to the start of the new tax year couples can backdate their claim and boost a potential tax refund to a possible £900. HMRC further announced: Applying for Marriage Allowance is quick and easy and once an application is complete it’s processed immediately. The new online form takes fewer than ten minutes to fill out and [...]